Top 2 Reasons You Should Be Using the Cloud

If you’re not using the cloud to back-up your computer and smart devices, you should be. Years ago, people kept copies of important documents, photos and even music files on external hard drives. And while the methodology involved when it comes to backing up files has...

Key Differences Between a Mac and a PC

If you’re in the market for a new computer, you might be weighing the pros and cons between purchasing a Mac versus a PC. Although there are several key differences between one over the other, the most important thing you’ll need to ask yourself relates to what you’ll...

Key Differences Between a Mac and a PC

If you’re in the market for a new computer and you’re wondering if you should switch teams, you’ll definitely want to do your homework before you dive into a purchase. Although Macs and PCs both allow their users to download and stream music and videos, and they both...

Signs it’s Time to Upgrade Your Computer

You and your computer have shared some good times.  You’ve done some traveling together; it’s been there for you when you needed to email your boss about that last-minute deadline. You’ve sent emails, shared laughs and have spent countless hours checking out memes and...

Top Ways to Prevent Your Network from Malware

Identity theft is a problem, which means that keeping hackers and malware away from your personal information is a must. Although some people think that protecting their computers from malware is extremely difficult, they couldn’t be more wrong. There are things you...

Why Is My Computer Running Slow?

Computers are great—when they work.  If your system isn’t working as fast as it used to, or you feel like your computer is on the edge of having a major problem, we can help.  The experts at Rocky Mountain Computer Specialists have been helping Denver, CO customers...